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A List of Best Hobbies for Busy Moms

By: Embracing Her Den

Can't find the time to do something for yourself? Read below for activities for busy Moms!

woman painting on canvas. painting for a hobby.

woman writing in a journal. journaling. journaling as a hobby.

Motherhood. You dreamed of this moment. I dreamed of this moment. I always wanted to be a mom for as long as can remember. I could not picture myself not being a mom. I was blessed with beautiful children, and I am forever grateful. No one talks about the consuming part of it all. Part of the task of being a good mom is giving your entire being to this other being, right? This notion is what is exactly getting us Moms in mental health crisis. You can still be a good mom and take time for yourself. We tend to lose ourselves in motherhood.

I am here to tell you all is not lost. I learned that having something for yourself is so important. Leisure activities are valuable and contribute to your health and wellbeing. There are so many benefits including coping with stress and negative life events as well as transcending illness and disability. I would argue that stress reduction is one of the most important benefits.

You are important and your time is important. People who viewed leisure time as a waste were associated with poorer mental health, including lower reported happiness, and greater reported depression, anxiety, and stress. It is imperative to make yourself a priority no matter how busy life becomes. Let’s be honest with ourselves, it does not really seem to slow down. It is up to you to create a life that you love. It is a hard truth to swallow.

Let’s live by example for our children. Let’s show them there is more to life than just work and obligations. We can make life fun. I just heard recently that one of the regrets people have before dying is not letting themselves be happy. This is your permission to take time to do things that you love. The activities that make you HAPPY. I know there are barriers, whether it be time, money, energy, guilt. I was a slave to this way of thinking. We can make time for ourselves if we TRULY want it. The key is to prioritize it. What activity will you begin?

List of Hobbies:

  • Journaling

  • Gratitude Journal

  • Garden

Upfront you will have to put some extra work in, but after, you water and hope it grows!

  • Learn a language

Try the duolingo app! It's an easy, fun, and free way to learn a language. Some upgrades do cost money. You can do 10-15 minutes of learning per day.

  • Reading

  • Fitness

The fitness world is vast! There are 5-20 minute exercise videos online that you can search.

  • Essential Oils

You will need to do some research and build inventory, but once you do you can experiment with different scents. Also, there are ways to make soaps, cleaning supplies, and more.

  • Color

  • Puzzles

  • Word Searches

  • Craft

The possibilities are endless and you do not have to finish a project in one night. Scrapbooking is a fun beginner craft. You can also grab supplies from your local dollar store.

  • Bird Watching

  • Crochet

  • Knit

  • Cross stitch

  • Audio books

  • Paint

Your family needs you and the world needs your beautiful gifts. Why not explore your interests? Why not explore your former self or create a newer version? I cannot wait to hear what hobbies you are exploring! Let me know!

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Caldwell, Linda. (2005). Leisure and health: Why is leisure therapeutic?. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling - BRIT J GUID COUNS. 33. 7-26. 10.1080/03069880412331335939.

Gabriela N. Tonietto, Selin A. Malkoc, Rebecca Walker Reczek, Michael I. Norton. (2021).Viewing leisure as wasteful undermines enjoyment. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, Volume 97, 2021,104198, ISSN 0022-1031,

Further Reading:



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