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20 Simple Family Bonding Activities To Strengthen Your Connection

By: Embracing Her Den

hands of entire family holding a heart referring to family connection
mom, dad, and child reading a book together

Life can be hectic and scheduling family time can fall to the wayside. We don’t mean for it to happen but at times it just does. If you are going through a stressful time in your life it can feel like another demand to balance into your schedule.  No matter how much you want it, your energy levels do not match up. Click here to read my post about burnout. Maybe it has nothing to do with having a stressful period and it feels like it is a time factor. Do you feel like there are not enough hours in the day with all your responsibilities? Whatever the case may be, I have ideas for you!

It’s relieving to have some easy ways to connect as a family. It doesn’t have to be an elaborate plan or activity. Kids just want your time. Some of these activities can range from 30 seconds (telling jokes) to an hour. Whatever works for your time, family, and energy levels that day!

But first,

family holding and laying hands with one another

Importance of Connection

Family relationships are important across the life course in shaping a person’s well-being according to research conducted by Thomas, Lui, and Umberson. Therefore, connecting results in positive behaviors. Have you noticed the more you spend time with your child the less tantrums and more cooperative with your requests they are? Once you start connecting with your children, pay attention to how their behavior improves. Researchers at the University of Cambridge used data from more than 10,000 people in the UK and concluded that children who were close to their parents at age three displayed more prosocial behavior including kindness, empathy, helpfulness, generosity, and volunteering.

Like I stated previously, it does not have to be an elaborate plan. Quality is what truly matters.

According to Li and Guo, the more time parents spend with their children the higher the

children’s well-being as well as not only the quantity that mattered but the quality.

Tips to Begin:

  • Schedule your time to help keep your family accountable.

  • Focus on quality and not quantity-Set at least 10 minutes a day a side to totally immerse yourself with your family.

  • Put phones away,

Easy & Simple Ways to Build Connection:

  • Talk to them! Easiest activity you can do. When was the last time you asked your child their favorite color, movie, animal, toy? Even if you know what it is, ASK. Maybe they changed their minds recently! Have a “get to know you” conversation. Ask about all their favorite things, best subject at school, best friend, what they would like for dinner one night this (or next) week. You get the picture!

  • Turn on your favorite music and have a dance party

  • Read together

  • Board games

family playing a board game

  • Yoga-You Tube kid yoga videos. We love Cosmic Kids Yoga!

  • Coloring

  • Physical games-airplane, piggyback rides, horsey rides, wheel barrels

  • Floor is lava- can use pillows!

  • Bake/Cook

family cooking together

  • Imaginative Play-Let your children choose what they want to play and go along with it!

  • Tell Jokes-I google toddler/pre-school/kid jokes.

  • Video call a long-distance family member or friend

  • Watch a short educational video on YouTube about animals/interesting topic of choice and talk about it afterwards.

  • Look through family photos or videos together. (you may need to bring out your phone for this).

  • Reminisce about past family trips, playdates, when they were babies (warning: tears may be shed)

  • Pillow Fight

  • Draw together (dollar store has drawing tutorial books).

  • Build a fort using pillows, blankets, chairs, couch cushions.

  • Picnic for dinner in the living room-I do charcuterie board style when we have picnics.

  • Hide and Seek

What are some ways you like to connect with your children? Send me a message via my blog or Instagram account! I will make a post via Instagram with your idea(s)!


 Katsantonis, I. (2023, October 9). Young children who are close to their parents are more likely to grow up kind, helpful and “prosocial.” University of Cambridge. likely-to-grow-up-kind-helpful-and-prosocial

Li, D., & Guo, X. (2023). The effect of the time parents spend with children on children’s well- being. Frontiers in Psychology14.

Thomas PA, Liu H, Umberson D. Family Relationships and Well-Being. Innov Aging. 2017 Nov;1(3):igx025. doi: 10.1093/geroni/igx025. Epub 2017 Nov 11. PMID: 29795792; PMCID: PMC5954612.



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